About US

Zira Sea Port has been put into exploitation on 23.12.2013. The port was registered by the State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter – the State Maritime Agency) on 13.10.2016. “ADO-G Logistics” LLC is the Port Authority of the Zira port.

The Obligatory Regulations for the Zira sea port (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Obligatory Regulations’, ‘OR’) have been developed according to the Merchant Shipping Code of Azerbaijan and the Law of Azerbaijan on Sea Ports.

The Obligatory Regulations for the Zira sea port (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Obligatory Regulations’, ‘OR’) have been developed according to the Merchant Shipping Code of Azerbaijan and the Law of Azerbaijan on Sea Ports

The port of Zira considers the effective use of material benefits and maximum protection of environment for the future generations as the basis of its activity in dynamic and comprehensive development of the port.

The port undertook the following obligations:

To expect the compliance with all international and national environmental regulations;
To minimize environmental pollution by maximum save of material resources;
To prepare preventive action plan on pollution prevention of environment;
To maintain the situation relating to the occupational health and safety under a constant control and always improve the situation in this field;
To involve all employees of the company to “environmental protection” works and to achieve the constant improvement of indicators in this sphere;

The companies and other providers operating in the port shall observe the instructions and safety regulations issued by the Zira port.

The companies and other providers operating in the port area shall appoint a contact person for safety issues. In addition, companies with long-term operating and leasing agreements are obliged to join the Port’s access control system in accordance with the Port’s instructions.

A person attempting to enter the closed port area shall on request present an identity card or access pass approved by the Zira port

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Section Title


Capacity           800 tonsCargo Terminal had been designed for the transportation of dry and...


Upon entry into Zira Port, all commercial vessels (regardless of their size) need to contact the...

Logistic Service

Transportation services in Zira Port are carried out by ADO-G Logistics LLC. The company has all the...

Crew Transfer Services

Zira Port has a specially designed passage for transportation of large and small crews from terminal...


fdfdfdjjfdjfdjfjkdfjkdjkfjk fdsffsfsfd “ADO-G Marine Services” LLC based on the Customer’s request...


Water SupplyFresh water is transported into the yard through a branch pipeline connected to the...

Waste Management

Solid Waste Management The garbage containers located inside the premises are sufficient to store...


Fuel SupplyThe fuel is brought into the yard on 10 m3 tank trucks and then pumped into the 10 m3...

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